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Design, Project Coordination & Automation


Teelings Whiskey


New Market, Co Dublin





  • Design of distillery

  • Automation of distillery

  • Overseeing equipment & plant commissioning

  • Sub-contractor coordination on project details

  • Supplier on project details


Design + Automation

The Teelings Whiskey Distillery is the only operational distillery in Co. Dublin. They completed the construction of a fully operational triple distillery in 2016.

The aim behind the Teelings brand is to make a traditional Irish triple distilled whiskey while bringing back a unique blend and craft to the product. From the design scope and the clients’ requirements, the plant was constructed to fit three pot stills ranging in size from 150 hL to 75 hL; these were supplied from Frilli.

The plant and the brewhouse tanks and pipework were supplied by Spectac. A combined total of 20 tanks was supplied, and countless meters of pipework was installed. Finally Krones werk Steinecker supplied a 150 hL Lauter tun & 5-tonne Variomill.

MW Control Solutions were originally brought in to provide a software package for the automation of the plant and the electrical installation of equipment in the agreed areas. (Krones provided their own electrical equipment for the Lauter Tun and Variomill.) Part of our scope was to complete a full I/O testing and commissioning of the plant.

Equipment installation and plant construction were scheduled for the same time, and with three OEMs looking to complete their commissioning process, the plant was difficult and congested. The approach from the client was to arrange site visits for each OEM as soon as possible.

MWCS project involvement evolved, and began to implement clear schedules for commissioning visits and acting as a link between client and OEM. The co – ordination of site visits was to:

  • Provide the construction contractor on the plant areas where works should stop and allow any commissioning to carry on uninterrupted.

  • Throughout the project, Frilli and Krones had three commissioning visits. MWCS put site schedules in place to ensure the scope of work for each OEM was completed within the time frame. With dedicated time spent between OEM and MWCS, work was completed ahead of schedule, and facilitated discussions of future site visits

Because Teelings wanted to have a unique craft to their blend, the programming of a whiskey recipe and the creation of equipment settings were a critical part of our task. MWCS acted as a link between client & OEM, so any ideas could clearly be communicated.

  • The client provided us with a rough method on how the company would like the equipment to run. Linking up with the OEM and discussing the automatic process programmed into the software enabled a smoother commissioning process.

  • Over time as MWCS got involved deeper in client and OEM relations and we identified faults in the equipment processes, the input from the OEM became more direct and efficient.

Over the course of the project, the client did not have a site manager or a contractor contact. The fact that the equipment installation clashed with the general building construction provided many problems when it came to commissioning, lack of water supply, lack of drains, and so on. This meant the project got behind on schedule, but the client was pushing forward constantly.

MWCS had to provide a strong coordinator link for the client and OEM. As time progressed and a plan was put in place by MWCS, a coherent commissioning plan assembled. Dealing with issues such as construction interruptions and the overall commissioning of the plant, we improved the projected rate of completion and achieved the project goals smoothly.

Implantation of new program for brewhouse:

  • Water brew system will individually rinse each vessel of the brewhouse. This system allows the customer to rinse the brewhouse between beer’s change of color while in production (e.g., dark beer to clear beer). MWCS approaches the project with the customer to explore requirements and different solutions. With the system in place, the customer can now save more than five hours between changes of color.


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